We need your help to pass an important bill to help animals! Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen has declined to let Senate Bill 1234 be voted on by the full Senate, despite earning a unanimous committee vote, bipartisan support of 11 sponsors, and endorsements from statewide law enforcement and prosecutors. SB1234 defines the BARE MINIMUM standards for food, water and shelter for Arizona pets.

SB1234 specifically defines cruelty to companion animals as failure to provide necessary medical attention, defines food and water that are fit for consumption, ensures shelter is safe, and provides law enforcement and prosecutors with the tools they need to save the lives of pets throughout Arizona (learn more).
Please call and email Senate President Petersen TODAY and politely urge him to allow a vote on Senate Bill 1234. It’s time for Arizona to stop allowing abuse and neglect. If you reside in Senator Petersen’s district, please mention that you are a constituent.
Phone: (602) 926-4136
Email: wpetersen@azleg.gov
Please let us know if you receive a response from Senator Peterson or his office.
Thanks for Your Help!
Animal Defense League of Arizona
Humane Voters of Arizona